[bleep] psychogenic fugues

waking up without anything to think about is the closest to heaven i will ever come. sublime absence of fuzz channel alarm clock manic deities demanding sacrifice and penance. i am hungover and wrinkled and freezing with no blanket or real pillow dozing on the couch of this girl named cathy who i love more completely than anything i have ever encountered. you see, i love things. and she is the most spectacularly inexorable gravity well of adolescent beauty these eyes have ever lingered on, caressed, hallucinated in digital detail upon the concrete embankments of empty river basins. i dont know what it means to be who i am. i know that when i see her smile i want her to look at me with an unquestionable desire to possess me. i have never wanted to be owned before. but i desperately want to be her most prized possession, favorite toy, cherished pet, place to curl up and cry and sing sad songs to.

the rooms of the house are full of sleeping children full of alcohol and dead brain cells lying in clothing-optional proximity in beds made by mothers and beneath pictures of vacations to Orlando and San Francisco. the smell of clean linen and potpourri is still strong enough to douse the eager waft of empty beer bottles and shards of sticky wine cooler glass littering the back porch and around the pool.

long after the others had paired off or decided to be adventurous and bunch in numbers and stumbled upstairs or into back rooms i shut off the pounding gurgles of alien synthesizers and put on moby’s “slow motion suicide”. i cleaned up the remains of the debris and neatly organized the empty bottles on the counter of the kitchen. the long draining descent of purple-faced post-peak slowly eased my obsessive-compulsion and the gelcap jitters gave way to the grind and the vision. i smoked freezer-chilled icebox menthols by myself until the house started to flood with pre-dawn blue water rubbings and bathed the moment in enough quiet bitter pallette to close my eyelids completely. the cold air stung them less than a hour later.

i wander to the back room and peer into her room. her toes are curled up with goosebumps and painted blue. she reminds me of bjork. perfect angel of my memory. her short black hair matted and scrunched, white tank top peeking out from beneath hand-me-down bedspread, and her jeans draped over the end of the bedpost, adopting the similar comfortable embrace she holds with my best friend.

he had noticed me looking at her and decided to look at her a bit closer. i knew he had an unconscious desire to shore up his own insecurities by reminding himself that he could have whatever it might be that i was longing for, but i didnt hold it against him. he didnt know why he did it. and if she wanted to settle into a ego-reinforcement session with someone the other girls talked about then who am i to judge that. i had been drunk and tripping and destructive, being cheered for endurance and an almost inhuman ability to drown myself in all the drink they could find, all the smoke they could muster. in youth self-destruction is a source of extreme and unforgiving rationalization. with age it becomes shallow and meaningless.

she told me she had always wondered why i had always been so sad. i asked her if she had always thought i was sad. as long as she had known me, she said. i had no answer. she was discovering grief. she missed her mother and fought tears. i touched her face and brushed her hair behind her ear. she hugged me and hesitated inches from my face. a momentary lapse into a communal swelling sorrow, some flash of transient explanation for the deafening vaccuum she saw swirling behind my eyes, and reflected in her own. i saw her and realized that i wasnt looking for myself in her. the electricity of suddenly knowing that i loved her with a purity i had believed only capable within the recesses of imagination and delusion made me smile and i wanted to tell her i had been writing writing about her since i was six.

he interrupted. she was embarrassed and hurried back to the sounds of laughter and music. he paused and grinned at me. i stared back at him blankly. he stared. that was the first time i had ever seen a hint of recognition in his face to the fact that he didnt know me at all, and that he was no mystery to me. neither apathy nor self-doubt nor insecurity kept me from stopping him. that was a first.

i am slouching in the driver’s seat of my car and hiding beneath the warmth of my fleece and sunglasses. i think i’ll listen to “nothing feels good” by the promise ring on repeat until i can hear it my head everday. i don’t know what it means to be who i am, because it only means something to me. i think that daydreams of aesthetic pleasure may be the vocabulary of god. i think god is my home in the furious dot matrix succession of panic that makes me jump when i forget where i am. i think nothing is meant to be. i don’t think i will ever love anyone more than her. i don’t know why it makes me smile to say that. none of this means anything to anyone but me but i dont care anymore.

[[[[[[[[[[and i dont know anything]]]]]]]]]]]]
[[[[[[and i dont go to college, anymore]]]]]]]
[[[[[[[[[[[[[[i don't know god]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
[[[[[[[[[[and i don't know anyone]]]]]]]]]]]]]
[[[[[[[[[[[and i don't know god]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
[and i don't know if anything'll be all right]